The idea of Art Bus LNK started with a discussion with LNK youth to learn more about their experiences in Lincoln. Students were surveyed on the community-provided resources they felt were lacking in the city and we quickly learned that many of these young artists had limited or no access to art supplies.
After two years of interviews, fundraising, and endless support from the community, the perfect bus was found and Art Bus LNK was launched in June, 2020!
Art Bus LNK is a now a mobile art studio and organization that focuses on providing charitable and educational art opportunities to youth through free, accessible, and direct community programming. Since our launch in June 2020, we have served over 2,000 students through summer programming, neighborhood, organizational and business collaborations!
A big thank you to the following businesses and organizations below, for helping us bring art into our communities!
Arnold Elementary
Asian Community Center
Belmont Community Center
Big Brother, Big Sister
Cavett Elementary School
City Impact
Civic Nebraska
F Street Community Center
Family Service Lincoln
Girls Inc Omaha
Goodrich Middle School
Hope Spoke
Lincoln Calling
Lincoln City Libraries
Lincoln Literacy
Lincoln Parks and Rec
Meadowlane Elementary School
Northeast High School
People City Mission
Prescott Elementary School
Randolph Elementary School
The Bay/Rabble Mill
The Malone Center
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Wax Buffalo - Winter Market
Interested in connecting with us? Send a message!
2215 C Street
Lincoln, NE 68502